Classroom 16!

The Classroom of Mr. Stathis

Mare Island Health and Fitness Academy

What I think, what I feel, what I care about.


    I am Jerome. I am in the 5th Grade.

    I think that Room 16 is a very unique class because you get a random job at the beginning of the week. Mr. Stathis's job is to teach us. We have jobs so the class can run smoothly.

    I care about my grades, so when I grow-up I can have a good job that pays a lot of money. I care about my family, my Mom, my Dad, and my two cats named Oreo and Milkshake.

    I feel that kids have too much screen time. I'm sure all the Parents/Guardians agree with me. The reason kids don't get 100%'s on Tests is beacuse they get distracted by games or T.V.





Jerome sharing aloud his writing.